JUQ-049 | On The Seventh Day After Being Raped By My Husband's Boss, I Lost My Mind... Jun Suehiro

JUQ-049 | On The Seventh Day After Being Raped By My Husband's Boss, I Lost My Mind... Jun Suehiro
Label: Madonna
Director: Takeshi Koga

My husband found the job he had thought of quitting rewarding and was concentrating on his new work. Normally, I can tell just by changing the scent of my shampoo, but I don't notice any changes in my body at all. While I was saddened by this, I also prayed that I would not notice it. If only I could put up with it... I endured a long, long, humiliating day with only her thoughts on her chest. However, after 7 days, ironically, against my will, I began to seek pleasure...


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